Bridging the Divide Between Pharma and MedTech in Chronic Disease Care

This article was originally published in PM360

Effective disease management, especially for chronic conditions, is multi-disciplinary, incorporating medication as well as lifestyle management.

As the world’s biggest spender on healthcare, U.S. expenditure on chronic diseases is high. While globally, chronic diseases make up 57% of total healthcare spend ($12 trillion), in the U.S., they make up 87% of total healthcare spend ($3.9 trillion).

Despite this spending, chronic disease management is challenging, and the burden falls heavily on patients. Often, their efforts fall short. Patients with conditions such as diabetes and mental illness face a lifetime journey. They are required to make significant changes to their daily habits and comply with medication prescriptions. Moreover, as their condition evolves, adjustments need to be made to both medication and behavior.

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