Noël Theodosiou

Founder, Principal & CEO

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

– Edith Wharton

Noël founded Luminous in 2005. A career consultant, strategist, and facilitator, she excels at connecting clients with fresh insights and ideas. Then, bringing them to life through strategies and plans that have both human and business impact. Noël is a creative problem-solver and original thinker, effectively blending different approaches to generate new understanding about how people and culture are changing. She has a deep personal commitment to working alongside her clients to build a healthier future for all.

Experience and achievements

  • 30 years in insight, strategy and innovation, enabling global organizations to address complex challenges and shape the future   

  • Worked as a consultant at WPP companies in London and New York (Added Value and Fusion 5, now Kantar Consulting) 

  • During her career, she has led strategic engagements with global brands and organizations such as Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Toyota Motor Co., The Coca-Cola Co., Bank of America, and Shell  

  • A graduate of Swarthmore College. Previously a violinist, she was Board Director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and Board Director & Chair of The Walden School  

  • Noël is a long-time member of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, and Director of the New England Commercial Affinity Group